What are you getting yourself into?

Now that the boring stuff is out of the way, you may be asking "Why should I listen to this guy?" The answer is quite simple. I may be an amateur just like you, but I have more experience in the field of "lucid dozing" than most people. Not only can we grow together and share our adventures, but I can also empathize with the difficulty of mastering this activity. I am still learning too!
My first encounter with lucid dreaming occurred slightly over a year ago after months of trying. I was frustrated, confused, and on the verge of giving up when I made a breakthrough. During a nightmare, I suddenly realized that my fear was illogical since I was dreaming. Instantly, I gained control of everything in my dream. I remember the entire vision precisely, right down to the bright red shoes I was wearing.
Feeling extremely excited, I naturally did what most first time lucid dreamers do — I flew. I took flight and remained far above the Earth's surface for the remainder of my dream. Nowadays, I am not so naive. While flying can be fun, I find it much more rewarding and time efficient to study or even unravel deeper issues from real life. For example, I utilized my sleep to generate ideas for this very blog concept. Yes, you heard that right. A lucid dream giving birth to a blog written solely about lucid dreaming.
Regardless, if what I saying intrigues you, then stick with me for the next several weeks and you will not regret it! Right now, I am merely focused on repeating the words "lucid dreaming" as much as possible. The simple act of hearing those words over and over is vitally important for several lessons I plan to impart. In fact, next week we will dive right into the nitty gritty of lucid dreaming exercises!
Ever heard the phrase "I could do that in my sleep?" Well, pretty soon that could be you. Literally.
Image Credits (in order of appearance):
Image provided by Scott Griggs
Image provided by Linus Bohman
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